

Feb 03 2018

Coahuila Economics Minister Ing. Jaime Guerra Pérez Visit SANHUA

February 2, 2018, Ing. Jaime Guerra Pérez, economics minister of Coahuila, Mexico and Alejandro Salas, commercial counselor of Mexico consulate general in Shanghai, as well as the group visited Sanhua Hangzhou Industry Park. Stone Shi and Yin Bin of SANHUA Automotive, Ni Xiaoming and Zheng Chunyong of SANHUA microchannel received the guests.

 They first visited SANHUA product exhibition room. Mr. Ni Xiaoming introduced SANHUA Automotive products, SANHUA Residential products, SANHUA Commercial products and SANHUA Aweco products. Mr. Ni said: SANHUA has accumulated rich technical experiences during 33-year growth. SANHUA attached great importance to technology innovation. SANHUA went to global market early and in 2002, SANHUA built a branch in Ohio, United State. In 2014, SANHUA built factory in Mexico, and SANHUA Automotive inaugurates new manufacturing facility in Mexico in -2017.

Afterward, the two sides had a warm meeting in the meeting room, and visited SANHUA Automotive manufacturing facility.

Mr. Ni gave a general introduction about SANHUA group, main business, technology and property to the minister. Mr. Ni put an emphasis on facilities and production capacity of SANHUA Mexico factory. Mr. Ing.Jaime Guerra Pérez also ed a video about Coahuila, which covers Coahuila major industries like automobile and electric appliance, as well as human resource and government support.

During the conversation, Mr. Ni said that the success of an enterprise can not be separated from the support of the local government, hoping that the Coahuila government can give more help to enterprises.

Mr. Ing.Jaime Guerra Pérez said he is very happy and proud of the investment of high-tech company like SANHUA in Coahuila state. Now Coahuila government is doing a project of talent introduction to solve the difficulty of human resource. Besides, the state government has been paying attention to SANHUA and will provide more support to SANHUA Mexico factory.

Finally, the two sides exchanged gifts and take a photo together.