

Jan 21 2021

Ren Shaobo, Secretary of the Zhejiang University Party Committee, visited and investigated Sanhua Hangzhou Industrial Park

On January 21, 2021, Ren Shaobo, Secretary of the Zhejiang University Party Committee, led the team to pay a visit to Sanhua Hangzhou Industrial Park to exchange new ways and space of strategic cooperation between schools and enterprises with Sanhua executive team. Zhang Daocai, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sanhua Holding Group; Zhang Yabo, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors; Shi Chuliang, Chief Technology Officer and Director of the R&D Center; Dr. Huang Lin-jie, Chief Scientist; Dr. Zhang Rongrong, Deputy General Manager of Sanhua Automotive, did the reception and exchanges.

In the Sanhua exhibition hall, Zhang Yabo was the "commentator", to introduce the general situation of Sanhua’s development to Secretary Ren Shaobo. Mr. Ren asked questions and exchanges frequently, lead the industry and technology topics to in-depth.

In front of the strategic wall of the exhibition hall, Chairman Zhang talked about Sanhua's strategic positioning and development prospects, full of passion: Sanhua has always focused on the field of green, low-carbon environmental heat management, has right of speech in a global segment of the industry of residential air conditioning, commercial air conditioning, frozen refrigerated core components, the products iterative upgrade annually, and make promotion of manufacturing methods to automated intelligent. At present, the focus is on the field of thermal management of new energy vehicles, advanced layout and take the lead in breaking through the benchmark customer of an intelligent electric vehicle in North America strategic cooperation, to obtain the industry’s first mover advantage, has become the world’s top ten brand vehicle factory first-class suppliers, and formed a strategic cooperative relationship with the new car-building forces, the market development prospects are very large. Product development and the work of market development still have a lot to do, to a new Sanhua! Chairman Zhang was excited to introduce the Sanhua vision of “100 billion revenues, 10 billion profits” in 2030, as well as strategic thinking for the research and development of CO2 heat pump systems. “The spread of customers’ innovation is disruptive, we must keep pace with it on the concept of speed, keep up with the best, and team works hard, and after gaining the first mover advantage, we match the development of models on the global platform with other customers at the same time”, Chairman Zhang says.

In the front of Sanhua global organization map, Vice Chairman Zhang Yabo introduced the layout of Sanhua globalization: business and storage outlets throughout the global customer area; manufacturing layout to China domestic and formed oversea manufacturing base with construction and volume formation in Mexico, Poland, Vietnam; Research and development layout is also mainly in China domestic, and there are two research centers in the United States and Germany, to achieve localized, rapid customer response, and demand response. In the patent wall and product wall, Mr. Zhang Yaobo introduced Sanhua global patent filing and licensing situation, Sanhua has been declared 5480 global patents by the end of 2020, of which 3580 invention patens, 671 international patens; formed a series of product such as control valve, electronic pumps, inverter, heat exchangers and technical reserve; Sanhua team works very hard, the response speed is very fast, has been recognized by international and domestic customers.

Subsequently, Secretary Ren Shaobo and his team visited the Sanhua Automotive TXV assembly workshop. After the visiting, the two sides held talks and exchanges in the reception room.

Chairman Zhang Daocai talked about his strategic thinking on the sustainable development of Sanhua. The key to truly be an enterprise is to have sustainable development capability, so enterprises should always consider the future of technological innovation, management progress, continuous research and upgrading, and even including business model changes. And after determining the strategic direction, positioning and goal, we should be more focused.

Chairman Zhang continued to talk that the market prospects for new energy and smart cars are very broad, Sanhua has formed the integration advantages of core components in the field of thermal management, upgraded to the direction of technology system solutions, and strived to achieve the world's first and second in the segment. This must have the core competitiveness, it depends on the enterprise's innovation ability, research and development ability and quality, cost advantage. At present, the capital market's valuation of Sanhua Intellectual Control is close to 100 billion yuan, Sanhua's innovation ability and future value have been seen. Sanhua should always maintain the quality of innovative enterprises, in improving the added value of product technology. At the same time, Sanhua also continues to learn from Japan, Germany's outstanding enterprises to improve the spirit of artisans, learn their accumulated management experience and management technology, and constantly consolidate and enhance our own quality, cost advantages.

Chairman Zhang lamented: a person's life can do a good job for one thing, it is great already, if Sanhua in the field of thermal management sub-sector to do the world's best, Sanhua should maintain what we have now, is an amazing business, worth a lifetime of struggle, so we must be focused and more focused in this direction of continuous efforts.

He went on to point out that the development of Sanhua needs to strengthen cooperation with universities, Zhejiang University is a world-renowned university, also the university in Zhejiang with good mass basis, full of disciplines and talents. Secretary Ren’s visit and support is a very good opportunity for Sanhua. Sanhua should look to the future with strategic thinking, and further thinking to strengthen the cooperation between schools and enterprises.

Secretary Ren Shaobo introduced the powerful academic strength and representative results for Zhejiang University in fluid transmission, intelligent control, intelligent manufacturing, and other fields related to Sanhua. Sanhua has been developed to current stage, pays attention to the global green low-carbon and intelligent control of deeper development topics, and always pays attention to industry technology leadership and management progress, fully qualified in opening new direction, the introduction of the most leading talents, and explore cooperation with universities, such as “give question” to universities, put forward to the future direction of development and major issues to be solved, especially interdisciplinary, cross-disciplinary topics, the university would carry out exploratory research, or joint research and development with enterprises.

Vice Chairman Zhang Yabo discussed the cooperative ideas on the strategic investment and follow-up incubation of Sanhua's participation in Zhejiang University's science and technology innovation project, and Sanhua's provision of resources as a mobile MBA on-site teaching point of Zhejiang University. Sanhua CTO Shi Chuliang and Chief Scientist Dr. Huang Lin-jie discussed the ideas in the field of intelligent automobile, intelligent city, intelligent manufacturing cooperation direction and through the establishment of small academic lectures, ed design topics, organized design competitions and other cooperative ways. At the end of the symposium, Chairman Zhang Daocai thanked Secretary Ren Shaobo and Zhejiang University for their fervent concern for the development of Sanhua, supported the promotion of cooperation between schools and enterprises, endorsed the ideas put forward by Secretary Ren Shaobo to strengthen cooperation between the two sides, propose the next step in the green low-carbon, intelligent control of the future new technology, new product direction discussion etc. to strengthen exchanges and discussions between Sanhua and Zhejiang University.

Ren Shaobo, Secretary of the Zhejiang University Party Committee, led the team to pay a visit to Sanhua Hangzhou Industrial Park on Jan. 21, 2021.

Zhang Daocai, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sanhua Holding Group was introducing Sanhua’s strategic positioning and development prospect.

Chairman Zhang Daocai and Secretary Ren Shaobo was exchanging ideas in the reception room.