

May 6 2022

Zhu Qingqiao, China’s Ambassador to Mexico, and His Companions Paid a Visit to Sanhua Mexico Factory

On the morning of May 6, Zhu Qingqiao, China’s ambassador to Mexico, Zou Chuanming, China’s minister-counselor, and Xin Shanwen, the president of China Bank (Mexico Branch) paid a visit to Sanhua Mexico Factory. They were received by Zheng Chunyong, the general manager of Sanhua Micro-Channel (Mexico Company) and Li Maogang, the general manager of Sanhua Automotive (Mexico Factory).

General manager Zheng Chunyong gave an introduction about the development of Sanhua in Mexico. In the new manufacturing plant of Sanhua Micro-Channel, he introduced the layout, production line and products. He answered some specific questions from ambassador Zhu Qingqiao, minister-counselor Zou Chuanming and some senior leaders of Chinese enterprises.

Then, ambassador Zhu Qingqiao and his companions toured the workshops of Sanhua Automotive (Mexico Factory). General manager Li Maogang illustrated the production process of all kinds of products. The ambassador and his companions ed great interests in the mechanization of workshops, automatic production facilities, and a wide range of industrial robot applications.

In the end of this visit, those honorable guests and senior leaders from Sanhua had a deep conversation in the meeting. President Xin Shanwen spoke highly of the development of Sanhua and praised it as the devoted practitioner of bringing products “Made in China” to the world. Ambassador Zhu Qingqiao held strong admiration for Sanhua’s development history and the morale in keeping innovating and making breakthrough. Also, ambassador Zhu Qingqiao expressed his hope that Chinese enterprises would seize opportunities in face of challenges, overcome setbacks and perform better and become more influential through globalization. At the same time, Chinese enterprises should keep improving innovation abilities and adapt to the development of local society and take social responsibilities. Chinese enterprises should communicate and discuss with each other to strengthen their power. He also talked about that Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Mexico and Chinese Enterprises Association would continue serving Chinese enterprises and help them with long-term development in Mexico.

Sanhua Mexico will sustain innovation and make big progress with principles as “Serve customers promptly and take actions immediately”, to make “three flowers” (Sanhua takes “Flowers of Management, Technology and Talents” as the core of its culture) from China grow under sunshine and open blossoms as Sanhua people’s dreams come true.