

Jul 5 2022

University-Enterprise Collaboration and Practices in Industry: Professors and Students from College of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University Visited Sanhua

On July 5, led by Ph.D. advisor, Han Xiaohong, Associate Professor, Chen Qi, 2019 Class students majoring in Refrigeration and Cryogenics Engineering visited Sanhua’s Hangzhou industrial park. They were warmly welcomed by Tao Chunxing, Director of Human Resources, and Mo Yang, Director of the Office of Board of Directors from Sanhua Holding Group, Dr. Gao Qiang, the Vice General Manager from Sanhua Micro-channel, Tang Li, Product Director of one of Sanhua Automotive’s business units.

Upon arrival at the industrial park, guests from Zhejiang University went to Sanhua’s exhibition hall to learn about the development and current operation of Sanhua. 2019 Class students majoring in Refrigeration and Cryogenics Engineering were very interested in Sanhua’s strategic products and observed cutting-edged products for a while.

On behalf of Sanhua, Director Tao offered a welcome speech to guests from Zhejiang Universtiy. He pointed out that Sanhua needed more talent. As the process of globalization was fastened, the more top talent joined in Sanhua, the better Sanhua would become. For tech talent, they would make greater contributions if a lot of practical practices were finished. As to what kind of talent Sanhua needs the most, Director Tao shared his opinions:

Firstly, we need talent who had broad horizon. They have different goals in different phase of life, are inclined to take challenges, and they always develop creative and innovative ideas.

Secondly, we need talent who can keep learning. One necessary trait of Sanhua people is to keep learning day by day, in the whole process of development.

Thirdly, we need talent who are exceptionally persevered. Nothing can be done except little by little. In the face of difficulties and challenges, they should stick to their decisions to achieve success.

Fourthly, we need talent who are open-minded. International development of Sanhua requires employees to understand each other and embrace diversity, to adapt to local culture.

Then, Director Mo introduced the culture of Sanhua by illustrating “why Sanhua emphasizes technological innovation?” He shared stories about Sanhua’s development of new products, introduction of talent, and strategies and blueprints. Some students asked a few questions and Director Mo answered their questions and shared ideas about management and growth. The environment in the meeting was vibrant.

Following a brief understanding of Sanhua’s development and culture, guests from Zhejiang University paid a visit to the production line of Sanhua Micro-channel and Sanhua Auntomotive. In the production department of Sanhua Micro-channel, some students asked questions about the design and operation of productions based on the theoretical study in college and practical observation on site. The manager of production department answered their questions. In the assembly line of Sanhua Automotive, students further learn about the automation of production line and production of auto parts. Such practices on site a deep impression on them.

This study visit combined practice and theory. Dr. Gao and Director Tang gave two academic presentations about the cutting-edged application of products.

Director Tang, majoring in Refrigeration and Cryogenics Engineering, is a graduate of Zhejiang University. He welcomed everyone and gave a report about the thermal management module. After a brief introduction of Sanhua Automotive and its goal of “building a factory of the future”, Director Tang talked about Sanhua Automotive’s role as a development platform for talent and urgent need to hire more talent. Then, on the basis of his practices during work, he illustrated the basics about Automotive AC Systems, related components, the trend of car AC and thermal management module.

Dr. Gao gave a report themed Opportunity and Challenge for Micro-Channel Heat Exchanger under the “Dual Carbon” Goal. He introduced two ways for the reduction of carbon emission: improve the efficiency or reduce refrigerant ge. As to tighter standards for carbon emission in different ries, Sanhua Micro-channel has been innovating heat exchanger, to reduce refrigerant ge and improve the efficiency. Through a argumentation based on the development and application of Sanhua Micro-channel heat exchanger and the process of updating products to achieve higher efficiency, Dr. Gao also elucidated the technological challenges and difficulties faced by Sanhua Micro-channel. By technological innovation, Sanhua has been seizing opportunities and responding to market changes in a fast way, and kept updating products to become the most recognizable and contributable company in the world.

At the end of this study visit, Director Mo summarized that this activity was a good beginning and we expected more technological innovation and application to a green, technological life in the future. Sanhua welcomed more talent from Zhejiang University to learn about and join in Sanhua, and work for the global green and comfortable environment together.

This study visit ended on a happy note after everyone took a group photo together.