

Aug 9, 2022

Sanhua Holding Group Holds 2022 Semi-Annual Meeting

On August 9, Sanhua Holding Group held 2022 semi-annual meeting in Sanhua Xinchang Industrial Park. The meeting was to summarize the operation and management in the first half of 2022 and deploy the key tasks in the second half of year.

\"In the midst of uncertain changes, we have to focus on doing the certainty well, maintain strategic determination, focus on product and technology leader ship strategy, grasp the implementation ofstrategic projects, improve product competitiveness and respond to market changes with the best products.\"-from Zhang Yabo, Sanhua Holding Group Vice Chairman

》》》Review of business achievements

In the first half of 2022, the Group has achieved a sales revenue of RMB 24.415 billion (USD 3.62 billion). The total profit, overseas sales and asset scale maintained a good growth trend. The main economic benefit indicators of each business unit also maintained growth, meeting or exceeding the expected target.

》》》Progress on core work

Sanhua Automotive focuses on \"making products to the extreme\", accelerating the iteration of products and gaining customer recognition; seizing market opportunities and determining the mainstream of development, by actively plan and expand the business of energy storage, sensors and artificial intelligence.

By focusing on efficiency improvement, product iteration, technical specialization and other dimensions, each business unit has promoted product strength, which has made breakthroughs in the product strength of multiple product categories, strengthened the promotion of digital work. A number of talent development mechanisms have been established to cultivate talents. While deeply cultivating the domestic market, we are keeping steadily advancing the global manufacturing and R&D layout.

》》》Deployment of priority work

Innovation and breakthroughs in key technologies are the top priority of our work. In the second half of 2022, we will seize market opportunities, focus our resources and increase investment and expansion in the fields of thermal management and energy storage for new energy vehicles; focus on building product power, the implementation of product technology leadership strategy, improve product competitiveness and respond to market changes with the best products; work hard on quality management, strengthen crisis awareness, strictly control product quality and further strengthen the cornerstone of quality; firmly \"go out\", continue to promote global layout and overseas factory construction, and do a good job cultivating and introducing international talents to improve overseas operational efficiency and management capabilities; continue to improve the scientific, objective, and oriented nature of talent evaluation, and ensure the recognition and affirmation of each colleague’s value contribution through institutional guarantees; accelerate the construction of digital work and promote transparent, process-based and efficient digital transformation.

At the end of his speech, Vice Chairman Zhang Yabo called on all employees: facing the uncertain international political and market environment, we must focus on strategic focus. He encourages all Sanhua people to make persistent efforts, bravely face challenges, keep learning, keep diligent, keep focus, strive with entrepreneurial spirit, and work together in the strategic direction to create a better future.

》》》Each business unit and Quality Control Committee issued a report respectively

The head of each major business unit and business division of the Group made a work report, and the Group Quality Management Committee worked on the quality work report, summarized the operation work in the first half of 2022 and put forward the operation plan in the second half of year.

Wang Dayong, GM of Sanhua Residential, made a keynote report, using \"Market, Product, Cost, Efficiency, Quality\" as the key words to summarize and plan the work.

Chen Yuzhong, GM of Sanhua Commercial, gave a keynote report and said that the company will strive for new growth from dimensions of sales R&D and quality management.

Ni Xiaoming, GM of Sanhua Microchannel, gave a keynote report and proposed company management policy of \"Consolidation, Expansion, Refinement and Development\".

Jack Feng, GM of Hangzhou Leaderway Electronics, gave a keynote speech, focusing on manufacturing efficiency and proposing the strategy of \"Excellent Quality and Agile Service\".

Yin Bin, executive deputy GM of Sanhua Automotive, made a keynote speech, proposing that the company will focus on the improvement of supply chain capabilities, internal management and market optimization.

Dr. Zhang Rongrong, CTO of Sanhua R&D Institute, made a keynote speech, proposing that the Institute will focus on technology and industry incubation, technological talents training and other work for the Group, and support the extension and development of the main business.

Sum Sun, Director of Quality Management Committee of Sanhua Holding Group, gave a keynote presentation, sharing the management concept of \"Quality is Life\" and proposing that \"Standardization is the bridge between improvement and maintenance\".

Chen Jinyu, GM of Financial Investment Division gave a keynote report and said that Division will practice the concept of \"investment serving industry\", help industrial units seize new business opportunities and realize the perfect combination of investment and industry.

Zhang Shaobo, GM of the Real Estate business unit, made a keynote report, saving that it would further enhance the brand image of Sanhua and serve the development of the industry.

The team of Fuerda was invited to participate in the meeting.

》》》Chairman Zhang Daocai delivered an important speech

\"How to look at the future development of the market, seize strategic opportunities, and achieve new strategic development breakthroughs is the core topic that we need to think and act on continuously.\"- from Zhang Daocai, Sanhua Holding Group Chairman

Regarding the opportunities and challenges in the first half of the year, Chairman Zhang Daocai pointed out that facing complex and severe changes in the business environment, the Group has always maintained its strategic focus, focused on its own sustain able development, looked at opportunities, found problems and ways to implement it and promote growth Chairman Zhang Daocai expressed his full affirmation and warm congratulations to the management team of the Group and each business unit, as well as all Sanhua cadres and employees for their hard work and good performance. He stressed: we should focus more on our own thing, and use our own certainty to cope with the uncertainty of the external environment.

Chairman Zhang Daocai put forward the Group\'s management focus: in thermal management of new energy vehicles, Sanhua Automotive has already achieved global market pioneer in this field, and has launched a comprehensive layout from development to production. In the future, Sanhua Automotive will face a more rapidly changing competitive environment. We should seize the opportunity of the era of historic changes in the automotive industry, implement and improve ourselves comprehensively with the management requirements of rapid changes and ultimate innovation, play to our strengths and follow this strategic development path. We have to closely integrate R&D with the market, form Sanhua\'s own innovative features and technical highlights, continuously promote the iteration and upgrade of products and technologies. Cultivating and creating a global high-quality pragmatic, dreamy, and combat-ready talent team, and make every effort to build Sanhua Automotive into a \"global new energy vehicle thermal management kingdom\".

Chairman Zhang Daocai pointed out that in the field of energy storage and thermal management, there is a wide space for the development of \"thermal management\" industry. Based on this analysis of its own advantages, Sanhua has set up the energy storage and thermal management business team to highlight the rapid response and technological innovation.

Guidance in thermal management of refrigeration appliances

Chairman Zhang gave strategic guidance to the business units of Residential, Commercial and Leaderway Electronics, and shared his thoughts on the development of the \"thermal management\" industry from two aspects: technological innovation and internal management improvement. Focusing on “thermal management” positioning, from “sustainable, high-quality” “low-carbon, green, intelligent” “technological innovation and excellence” to discover new business opportunities and develop new products.

Guidance in globalization

Globalization is the focus and key of the Group\'s operation. Sanhua will keep pushing forward the globalization layout more firmly, especially the overseas layout of manufacturing and R&D, and strengthen the linkage, supporting and localization supply capability with overseas industry head customers to achieve globalization supply balance by strengthening the construction of global talent team.

Chairman Zhang Daocai encouraged all the people of Sanhua: the world is changing, the times are changing, the only thing that remains the same is the three elements of technology, management and talents to develop the enterprise. The only thing we can effectively grasp is the struggle to continuously strengthen the foundation of technology, management and talents to create competitiveness.

With the end of Chairman Zhang Daocai\'s speech, the conference was successfully closed.