

How big the world is depends on your mind and how far you can go depends on your insight. Sanhua attaches great importance to management, technology and talents. After battling hundred times for the new undertaking, Sanhua has developed from Xinchang County to the world stage and become a dedicated and advanced industry milestone; holding a long-term perspective for the future and with a new globally-leading starting point, Sanhua will go on pursuing green development and surpassing by innovation.

Attracting Talents
You are the right person who we need if you are positive and passionate .
Talents Cultivation
We think that staff quality guarantees product quality.
Corporate Values
We provide a fair opportunity for every employee’s self-fulfillment.
  • Information Security Engineer

    Location :


    Qualification Openings:

    1. College degree or above, major in computer science.

    2. Basic knowledge of computer hardware and software, knowledge of network management and information security, knowledge of enterprise management.

    3. Good organization, communication and coordination ability, and project management knowledge.

  • Intellectual property / patent Commissioner

    Location :


    Qualification Openings:

    1. background in mechanical and electrical engineering and relevant legal knowledge.

    2. Familiar with Patent Law, Intellectual Property Protection Law and other relevant laws and regulations, familiar with patent application process, familiar with various intellectual property and patent management system.

    3. good English reading and writing ability.

    4.211985 priority should be given to graduation.

  • Software Development Engineer

    Location :


    Qualification Openings:

    1. Bachelor degree or above, computer science and technology, software engineering and other related majors.

    2. Skilled in a development language, proficient in SQL Server database operation and WEB service development capabilities, able to understand ERP business (including processes);

    3. Experience in front-end (h5+js, MVC framework,.NET platform, etc.) is a plus.

    4. Have some problem solving and analytical skills, project management skills and communication skills;

    5. Customer orientation, dedication and good teamwork.