

Sep 1st 2021

Sanhua Held 2021 Management Trainees’ 1st Debriefing and Appraisal Meeting on Sep. 1st

On Sep. 1, Vice Chairman Mr. Zhang Yabo, Group HR Expert Consultant Ms. Zhang Yaping, Group HR Director Mr. Shi Song, and the HR managers from each business unit attended the Debriefing and Appraisal Meeting. 37 management trainees enrolled in 2021 gave the debrief report.

Vice Chairman Zhang Yabo was delivering the speech on the Debriefing and Appraisal Meeting on Sep. 1.

At the beginning of his speech, Vice Chairman Zhang pointed out that, from the course of Sanhua’s development history, talents have been played a key role to help company achieve the current status. Sanhua has always regarded excellent talents as the company’s biggest capital and will continue to place more emphasis on the talents who consistent value for the company. He also emphasized that DEDICATION is Sanhua’s another trait as Sanhua has been dedicated in the field of temperature management, from the core components in refrigerator, air conditioners, and home appliance, to the core components and modules in new energy vehicle thermal management.

“Develop Smart and Low-carbon Economy, Create an Eco-friendly Environment for Mankind” is the eternal theme both for the company and society. Creating green life for humans is not only a social requirement for high-quality development; but also Sanhua's contribution to the society as well as the mission of Sanhua and Sanhua people. If you want to achieve a greater development in Sanhua, you must deeply believe in that you are one part in creating green life for the world. Sanhua need such individuals to green future together.

Then Vice Chairman Zhang put forward the requirements for the trainees.

First, dedicating completely the position and aiming at becoming the masters/experts in the position. “It takes 10,000 hours to gain experience and become an expert in one field.” Getting succeeding in the practical field is about 10 times more difficult than in the virtual world. In the fast IoT world, we must be more conscious and strive hard.

Second, do a job and love it. It is always difficult to find a job that matches perfectly the hobbies and personality. Vice Chairman Zhang shared his own experience: like himself who was born in 1970s, the life experience was more of "doing a job and loving it". At first, they didn't know whether they liked the job, but they became to like it more and more in the process of doing it. This case also suits for Sanhua. Like the product four-way valve, by several years’ focusing in this field, Sanhua become the NO.1 both in sales volume and market share.

Third, seizing the golden age and learning actively to get better prepared for the future. Each trainee has a mentor assigned by the company; it is best to seize the opportunity to learn from mentors at the starting point of the career. Everyone around the trainee is willing to be of help. One who is proactive and confident, can be the mentor and be followed. One may ener setbacks in the process, then one has to learn how to cope with it with strong will.

At last but not least, Vice Chairman Zhang hoped that everyone can fast adapt to the role in the short two years, integrate himself/herself the position, and gain growth proactively with Sanhua.

After Vice Chairman Zhang’s speech, 37 trainees gave the debrief report in turn and received feedback on future directions by the HR managers of each business unit. Ms. Zhang Yaping, HR Expert Consultant, gave an overall appraisal on the trainees’ performance. Mr. Shi Song, the Group HR Director, delivered a concluding speech. He stated each trainee represents his business unit/department, and is required to have the clear job responsibilities and phased goals with the help of mentor to get improvement daily.