

Oct 19 2021

Sanhua Held the 3rd Science and Technology Innovation Conference

Sanhua held the 3rd Science and Technology Innovation Conference to commend and reward the outstanding talents with scientific and technological achievements in Xinchang industrial park at 2 p.m. on Oct. 19.

The conference invited several important municipal government officials from Shaoxing and Xinchang governments, and gathered together about 600 people, including senior management team, supervisors, award winners, technical and management personnel in fields of quality, manufacturing and process etc.

Shi Chuliang, the Group CTO and GM of Sanhua Automotive, moderated the Conference.

Vice Chairman Zhang Yabo delivers a keynote speech, themed "Insist on result-oriented evaluation and attach importance to the scientific and technological innovation".

At the beginning of speech, Vice Chairman Zhang Yabo extends his warmest congratulations to the winners!

He informs the ion process of Awards, especially elaborates on the ion principles. By reviewing company past 5-10 years’ important scientific and technological achievements, Vice Chairman Zhang demands new development goals, strategic guidance and important work directives.

In this awards ion process, it is conducted under the evaluation of project results orientation other than the people, and it focuses only on the project value contributions as well as on the progress made in science and technology, especially in the field of thermal management of new energy vehicles. Among the award-winning projects, some have won awards in 2016 (the last Award), but as their products have continued to make important contributions in the past five years, those projects are re-revaluated again; some early projects whose benefits are not obvious, but become outstanding in the past 5 years; some projects explore the new field, like “from 0 to 1” leap. By enumerating many typical cases, Zhang Yabo emphasizes that the company will not let “Lei Feng” (a Chinese hero who made contributions in obscurity without making public) suffer losses, but will reward “Lei Feng”. He demands that one should focus on his own fields with serious attitude; the company tolerates the trial and failure of market-oriented technological innovation. He encourages the scientific researchers keep up until scientific results are produced.

Zhang Yabo reviewed the comparison results of 5 years’ science and technology achievements. He especially emphasizes that, the most important strategic achievement for 5 years is Sanhua’s leading positions in thermal management products, technologies, businesses, and market influence of new energy vehicles. The total number of patents applied and granted in the past 5 years has reached more than twice the total of the previous 32 years. As of Sep.30, the Group has 6,889 applied patents, of which 4183 are invention patents. The quantity, quality, and protection effectiveness of the patents have been continuously improved. A total of more than 30 categories of products are leading the global market share. The Group’s R&D investment grows by an average of double digits every year; until now, the Group has 6 major R&D centers globally, including 1 national-level technology center, 1 national-level engineering center, 1 national-level industrial design center, and nearly 3000 scientific researchers. Among Zhejiang Annual Top 100 Innovation Companies List, 4~5 Sanhua subsidiary companies enter in the finalist. The corporate cultures of advocating technology and encouraging innovation are further upholding and disseminating.

Facing the future, we are entering a technological and social change similar to the "the Fourth Industrial Revolution". In the big scenario of dual-carbon emission reduction + new energy smart cars + artificial intelligence + Internet of Things, let us fully imagine and pay attention to the social changes that will result in energy-saving, low-carbon, and intelligently controlled thermal management product application scenarios. Sanhua has formulated a new strategic development plan for the next 5-10 years and must rely more on the power of science and technology innovation to win future development opportunities.

Zhang Yaobo demands:

——Change is the most obvious feature and eternal theme of this era. Sticking to technological innovation is the best way to embrace change. We must insist on the principles of “Extending the application of mature technology to new markets” and “Developing and applying of new technologies to mature markets” in er to constantly expand new development space.

——Science and technology innovation is the key force for creating excellent product competiveness as well as for breaking through the life cycle of products and industries. We must firmly adhere to the scientific and technological innovation, and make every effort to strengthen the creation of product competitiveness.

——The core competitiveness is the ability that “one has it, and others can’t take it away”. We must proactively identify and deploy core competitiveness in the fields of product design, process equipment, manufacturing, supply chain optimization, and cost management.

——We must attach importance to the master data project and actively promote it, establish Sanhua "data highway", and improve the management efficiency with digital technology.

At the end of his speech, Vice Chairman Zhang demands all Sanhua colleagues to have clear job requirements and career goals. He sincerely encourages all Sanhua people to make greater contributions to the company's development as well as win more glory for personal growth!

Solemn Awards Ceremony

After Vice Chairman Zhang’s speech, the Conference enters the prize-awarding session. The 3rd science and technology achievement awards are specified Lifetime Achievement Award, Medal Award, Special Award, First Prize, Second Prize, and Third Prize. A total of 106 winners receive the honorary prizes and certificates from the presenters in batches, receiving thunderous applause.

Speeches from Award-winning Representatives

Wei Xianrang, the 3rd Science and Technology Achievement Award Ÿ Special Award Winner, Sanhua Residential deputy Director of Technology, presents the speech as a representative. He shares his 20 years development experience in Sanhua. He develops the EXV from scratch, and now it has iterated a series of products such as CO₂ expansion valve and the TS6 expansion valve. Those development experience is also the process of his own growth to maturity. By the team’s effort, Sanhua has developed the leading position in EXV market.

Wei Xianrang shares the reasons for the achievements: First, the senior leaders were far-sighted and implemented the product layout in advance. Second, senior leaders attached great importance to the development and promotion of EXV. Third, teamwork and perseverance is the key. Fourth, the company provides great platform. In the end, he expresses his hope to make greater technical contributions to the company and industry.

Dr. Zhang Rongrong, the 3rd Science and Technology Achievement Award Ÿ Medal Award Winner, Sanhua Automotive deputy GM, presents the speech as a representative. He reviews how Sanhhua Automotive researchers and developers firmly grasp the market opportunities of new energy vehicles thermal management in the past five years to realize complete product layout and mass production, and how to open the global market. Relying on the team’s arduous effort and fast response, Sanhua Automotive has developed and reserved the technologies that facing the future such as heat pump, CO2 EXV, integrated modules.

After review, Dr. Zhang continues to say that new technologies and new products have never been achieved overnight. It requires researchers and developers to constantly experiment and act with Sanhua’s spirit of “Constantly pursue perfection and excellence” so as to world-leading technologies and products. At last, Dr. Zhang says that achievements can only represent the past. Honor is not the end, but a new starting point. He hopes that by every Sanhua people’ effort, Sanhua will have a brighter future.

Chairman Zhang Daocai delivers a speech themed “Keeping focusing on the strategy, sticking to innovation, and striving for "recreating a new Sanhua"!

At the beginning of the speech, Chairman Zhang Daocai expresses his deep thanks to Shaoxing and Xinchang municipal governments’ support in the cause of Sanhua and their affirmation of Sanhua’s achievement in the industry technology. He extends the heartfelt congratulations to the Science and Technology Innovation winners and hopes that all the colleagues to learn from the winners, bravely strive for the breakthroughs to more technological achievement, and become new winners.

Chairman Zhang Daocai shares his views on the current trend of global technological and industrial changes, and directs that the dual-carbon goal has become the global consensus. With the accelerating application of intelligent interconnection and green technology, new energy vehicles develop towards the trends of intelligence, platform and connectivity. By arduous effort, Sanhua has already reached a new level of development. Facing higher-level competitors and higher customer requirements, technological innovation will be more important and critical for Sanhua’s survival than ever before!

Then, how to effectively deal with challenges, seize strategic opportunities, and achieve new development? Chairman Zhang Daocai answers “Keeping focusing on the strategy, sticking to innovation”.

By summing up 37 years’ operation experience, Chairman Zhang Daocai shares the secret to Sanhua’s success: “Dedication and leadership” and “Sticking to strategy ”.

——Persist in the professional operation path, continue to refine and strengthen the competitiveness, and then expand to new business areas on this basis;

——Correctly identify the future market trend, make the correct industry and product development positioning, establish a scientific product and technology development roadmap, and take ac and balance short-term operating benefits and long-term strategic development stamina.

——Continuously upgrade the operation level of management, technology and talents to achieve the strategic development goals at different stages.

Chairman Zhang Daocai judges that the new energy vehicle industry is undergoing a historical transformation of "smart + green". Commercial and industrial refrigeration, smart home appliances and kitchen appliances, as well as 5G and Internet of Things applications, will bring opportunities to all business units of Sanhua. The market opportunities Sanhua has already seized are enough to do the business for at least 5-10 years. The technical depth and market space of "thermal management" are still infinitely vast! Therefore, as long as we keep focusing the existing core technology series, as well as focusing on the current and future needs of customers, by developing the products to best, we will more values for Sanhua and the industry,and we will one more star products like four-way valve, EXV etc. Sanhua will become a great and everlasting company.

On the basis of focus, we must continue to pursue innovation to seize the best opportunity and win the core competitiveness. Therefore, Sanhua will further implement the mechanism for the talents of “building a good development platform, building a good incentive mechanism, and creating a good innovative culture”. We must benchmark international leading companies, learning HUAWEI’s foresight and investment in R&D, learning how DENSO develop R&D and product quality in depth, and learning TESLA’s strategic innovation and fast response of “turning the impossible possible”; all those are intended to creat an encouraging and tolerate atmosphere and establish a fair incentive mechanism.

At the end of his speech, Chairman Zhang Daocai encourages researchers to make greater contributions, cherish the opportunities of the times as well as the company’s global development platform. Innovation is a long-term process that requires firm belief, determination and precipitation, as well as wisdom, methods and persistence. He sincerely hopes that by all Sanhua people’s effort, Sanhua will emerge more well-known technical experts in the global industry and more far-reaching achievements, truly leading the development trend in the global subdivision industry.