

Oct 21 2021

Better training, better learning—The opening ceremony of Sanhua’s Elite Training Program for finance manager

In the morning of 21, Oct, the opening ceremony of Sanhua’s Elite Training Program for finance manager was held in the industrial park in Meizhu, Xinchang. The guests of this ceremony included the vice president of Sanhua Holding Group, Zhang Yabo, the vice director of Sanhua Holding Group’s Executive Committee and finance officer, Chen Jinyu, the vice president of Sanhua Intelligent Control and finance officer, Yu Yingkui, the vice president of Golden Finance, Zhao Wenxuan, and some managers from different departments. Zhang Juan, the vice director of Sanhua Holding Group’s HR Department, played the role as the hostess.

Photo: The opening ceremony of Sanhua’s Elite Training Program

Zhang Juan firstly reviewed the preparation of this program, ion of the trainees, and the training before this ceremony. Then she introduced the target of Sanhua’s Elite Training Program, that is, to build up a finance management team who can work with loyalty and expertise, enhance the core capacities, comprehensive management abilities and expertise of finance manager. Through this program, Sanhua Holding Group can retain and cultivate finance managers of excellence for the parent company and subsidiary companies. She believes that with the support from leaders, the allocation of all kinds of resources, and the enthusiasm of the trainees, this program can help these finance managers apply the knowledge attained from this program to their work in the process of practice.

Next, Yu Yingkui, as the head teacher of this program, made a speech to all attendants. He mentioned, after one-year’s preparation, the courses for Elite Training Program were available both online and offline, provided internal and external training and adopted merit point management. As the head teacher and the representative of the teaching committee, he promised that in the following courses, all the members of the teaching committee will shoulder their responsibilities, accomplish all the tasks and be responsible for every trainee and the company, to lay a sound foundation for realizing Sanhua’s Hundred-Year Goal.

Then, the vice director of Sanhua Holding Group’s Executive Committee, Chen Jinyu, delivered a speech on behalf of Sanhua’s leaders from financial departments. In his speech, he appreciated the system of these courses and expressed the hope that this training program could enhance trainees’ abilities and they could apply knowledge to practice in their daily work. Chen Jinyu encouraged everyone to learn expertise actively. Apart from this training program, Chen Jinyu suggested that they improve skills through accomplishing projects and gain theoretical knowledge by reading more books. At last, he wished they could enjoy their time and at the same time improve their skills and management abilities.

The vice president of Golden Finance, Zhao Wenxuan, gave an introduction to Sanhua’s Elite Training Program. Golden Finance offered course systems for empowering trainees, to activate them to improve competency in work, courses conducted by famous teachers, online learning platform and action learning. All the groundwork can benefit the trainee to think more and do better in work!

Afterwards, the representative of the trainees, Suo Xueyan made a speech. She gave thanks to Sanhua, leaders of financial departments, HR team, colleagues, families and every trainee. She said that during the 8-year work in Sanhua after her graduation, she witnessed the rapid development of Sanhua and strengthened the devotion and belief to realize Sanhua Dream. She wished that after learning professional skills in this training program, she could understand and grasp knowledge about the financial system’s different parts in a comprehensive way. In response to expectations of the company, she gave several requirements for everyone and herself, and told everyone to take a solemn vow with her.

At the end of this ceremony, the vice president of Sanhua Holding Group, Zhang Yabo delivered an address. He pointed out the urgency of cultivating excellent finance managers. He said, trainees not only needed to master expertise, but they also had to gain management skills; at the same time, they must build up a “loyal and professional” team that can pass the tests of our company. He had high expectations for trainees who would become “the second pen” and assist the general manager with overall management. He believed that as the best finance managers in Sanhua, they would be self-disciplined while learning from teachers and classmate, and in the practice.

Photo: The vice president of Sanhua Holding Group, Zhang Yabo delivered an address.

In the golden autumn in October, the opening ceremony of Sanhua’s Elite Training Program came to an end. Trainees attended the first class with vigor. All of them will keep on making progress and learning professional skills, and strive to “build a new Sanhua”.